Monday, July 4, 2011

Update on the crops !

The weather was wet in Manitoba and South Eastern Saskatchewan... It made seeding this years crops difficult for many. Canola is such a small seed (there can be about 400,000 seeds in one bushel... when you are selling canola you can get about $12.00 a bushel... buying it as seed it can cost $8 a pound. 50 pounds in a bushel) All this to say farmers can be very creative in seeding with special equipment when the fields are too wet for traditional methods. Spreading the seed with systems that blow it on top are common... This year people were seeding with airplanes and even helicopters!
Our Kernels of Hope crops went on to land that was more suitable and they are looking good ! A wise man named Wayne (of Minnedosa ) said this winter that it is always hardest to grow a crop when the price per bushel is high ! The prices are great now too !
The Peas at Strathmore, the wheat at Kinistino, the canola around Brandon and Norquay and the Marvins wheat at Brandon are all doing just fine. We will show you pictures as we progress. Hudyes of Norquay and Dormans of Colorado are putting more producers than ever together who will be adding Kernels acres in !
The fields in North Kivu of the Congo are ready for working but some will need tools and seed and fishing supplies to get things in gear, We trust you will help if you can ! We are ready and poised to make a big difference again ! Grow with us !